SCOUT 350 probes

SCOUT 150 probes

  • Surface-Induced Hydrophobin Assemblies with Versatile Properties and Distinct Underlying Structures R. Siddiquee, V. Lo, C. L. Johnston, A. W. Buffier, S. R. Ball, J. L. Ciofani, Y. C. Zeng, M. Mahjoub, W. Chrzanowski, S. Rezvani-Baboli, L. Brown, C. L. L. Pham, M. Sunde & A. H. Kwan (2023) Biomacromolecules, 24(11) 4783–4797

  • Delivery of RNA to the Blood-Brain Barrier Endothelium Using Cationic Bicelles J. Cheng, L. Wang, V. Guttha, G. Haugstad & K. K. Kandimalla (2023) Pharmaceutics, 15(8) 2086

  • Protein fibril length in cerebrospinal fluid is increased in Alzheimer's disease P. N. Nirmalraj, T. Schneider, L. Luder & A. Felbecker (2023) Communications Biology, 6 251

  • Nature-Inspired Substrate-Independent Omniphobic and Antimicrobial Slippery Surfaces H. J. Cox, C. P. Gibson, G. J. Sharples & J. P. S. Badya (2021) Advanced Engineering Materials, 24(6), 2101288

SCOUT 70 probes

SPARK probes

  • Pinaceae Pine Resins (Black Pine, Shore Pine, Rosin, and Baltic Amber) as Natural Dielectrics for Low Operating Voltage, Hysteresis-Free, Organic Field Effect Transistors M. E. Coppola, A. Petritz, C. V. Irimia, C. Yumusak, F. Mayr, M. Bednorz, A. Matkovic, M. A. Aslam, K. Saller, C. Schwarzinger, M. D. Ionita, M. Schiek, A. I. Smeds, Y. Salinas, O. Brüggemann, R. D'Orsi, M. Mattonai, E. Ribechini, A. Operamolla, C. Teichert, C. Xu, B. Stadlober, N. S. Sariciftci & M. Irimia-Vladu (2023) Global Challenges, 7(9)

  • Hydroxyapatite-filled osteoinductive and piezoelectric nanofibers for bone tissue engineering F. Barbosa, F. F. F. Garrudo, P. S. Alberte, L. Resina, M. S. Carvalho, A. Jain, A. C. Marques, F. Estrany, F. J. Rawson, C. Aléman, F. C. Ferreira & J. C. Silva (2023) Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 24(1)

  • Isotope Engineered Fluorinated Single and Bilayer Graphene: Insights into Fluorination Selectivity, Stability,and Defect Passivation M. K. Thakur, G. Haider, F. J. Sonia, J. Plšek, A. Rodriguez, V. Mishra, J. Panda, O. Gedeon, M. Mergl, O. Volochanskyi, V. Valeš, O. Frank, J. Vejpravova & Martin Kalbáč (2023) Small, 19(12)

  • Engineering nanowires in bacteria to elucidate electron transport structural–functional relationships B. Myers, F. Catrambone, S. Allen, P. J. Hill, K. Kovacs & F. J. Rawson (2023) Scientific Reports, 13 8843

  • Broadband photodetection using one-step CVD-fabricated MoS2/MoO2 microflower/microfiber heterostructures D. Mouloua, N. S. Rajput, S. Saitzek, K. Kaja, K. Hoummada, M. El Marssi, M. A. El Khakani & M. Jouiad (2022) Scientific Reports, 12 22096

  • Conductance anisotropy of MOCVD-grown α-Ga2O3 films caused by (010) β-Ga2O3 filament-shaped inclusions F. Egyenes, F. Gucmann, A. Rosová, E. Dobročka, K. Husekova, F. Hrubišák, J. Keshtkar & M. Tapajna (2022) Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

  • Pinaceae Fir Resins as Natural Dielectrics for Low Voltage Operating, Hysteresis-Free Organic Field Effect Transistors J. Ivić, A. Petritz, C. V. Irimia, B. Kahraman, Y. Kanbur, M. Bednorz, C. Yumusak, M. A. Aslam, A. Matković, K. Saller, C. Schwarzinger, W. Schühly, A. I. Smeds, Y. Salinas, M. Schiek, F. Mayr, C. Xu, C. Teichert, M. Osiac, N.S. Sariciftci, B. Stadlober & M. Irimia-Vladu (2022) Advanced Sustainable Systems, 6 (10), 2200234.

  • Tuning the optical properties of 2D monolayer silver-bismuth bromide double perovskite by halide substitution F. Schmitz, R. Neisius, J. Horn, J. Sann, D. Schlettwein, M. Gerhard & T. Gatti (2022) Nanotechnology, 33, 215706.

  • Epitaxy of boron nitride monolayers for graphene-based lateral heterostructures J. Wrigley, J. Bradford, T. James, T. S Cheng, J. Thomas, C. J. Mellor, A. N. Khlobystov, L. Eaves, C. T. Foxon & S. V. Novikov (2021) 2D Materials, 8, 3

  • Step-flow growth of graphene-boron nitride lateral heterostructures by molecular beam epitaxy J. Thomas, J. Bradford, T. S. Cheng, A. Summerfield, J. Wrigley, C. J. Mellor, A. N. Khlobystov, C. T. Foxon, L. Eaves, S. V. Novikov & P. H. Beton (2020) 2D Materials, 7, 035014.

  • Calibrated Kelvin-probe force microscopy of 2D materials using Pt-coated probes E. G. Castanon, A. F. Scarioni, H. W. Schumacher, S. Spencer, R. Perry, J. A. Vicary, C. A. Clifford & H. Corte-León (2020) J. Phys. Commun., 4(5), 095025.

SENSE probes

QUEST TL probes

NuVOC probes

  • Real-time tracking of metal nucleation via local perturbation of hydration layers R. L. Harniman, D. Plana, G. H. Carter, K. A. Bradley, M. J. Miles & D. J. Fermin (2017) Nature Communications 8, 971

  • Real-Time Sliding Mode Observer Scheme for Shear Force Estimation in a Transverse Dynamic Force Microscope T. Nguyen, S.G. Khan, T. Hatano, K. Zhang, C. Edwards, G. Herrmann, R. Harniman, S.C. Burgess, M. Antognozzi & M. Miles (2017) Asian Journal of Control 19, (2) 1-12

  • Direct measurements of the extraordinary optical momentum and transverse spin-dependent force using a nano-cantilever M. Antognozzi, C. R. Bermingham, R.L. Harniman, S. Simpson, J. Senior, R. Hayward, H. Hoerber, M.R. Dennis, A.Y. Bekshaev, K.Y. Bliokh & F. Nori (2015) Nature Physics 12, 731–735

  • Small-molecule uptake in membrane-free peptide/nucleotide protocells T. -Y. D. Tang, M. Antognozzi, J. A. Vicary, A. W. Perriman & S. Mann (2013) Soft Matter 9, 7647-7656

  • Self-Assembling Cages from Coiled-Coil Peptide Modules J. M. Fletcher, R. L. Harniman, F. R. H. Barnes, A. L. Boyle, A. Collins, J. Mantell, T. H. Sharp, M. Antognozzi, P. J. Booth, N. Linden, M. J. Miles, R. B. Sessions, P. Verkade & D. N. Woolfson (2013) Science 340, (6132) 595-599

  • Processive behaviour of kinesin observed using micro-fabricated cantilevers T. Scholz, J. A. Vicary, G. M. Jeppesen, A. Ulcinas, J. K. H. Hörber & M. Antognozzi (2011) Nanotechnology 22, 095707

Bespoke probes

  • Nanophysical Mapping of Inflammasome Activation by Nanoparticles via Specific Cell Surface Recognition Events C. L. Giudice, J. Yang, M. A. Poncin, L. Adumeau, M. Delguste, M. Koehler, K. Evers, A. C. Dumitru, K. A. Dawson & D. Alsteens (2021) ACS Nano 16 (1), 306-316

  • The architecture of the Gram-positive L. Pasquina-Lemonche, J. Burns, R. D. Turner, S. Kumar, R. Tank, N. Mullin, J. S. Wilson, B. Chakrabarti, P. A. Bullough, S. J. Foster & J. K. Hobbs (2020) Nature 582 294–297